Opinion Dies With Me

Every opinion is a barb on the wire of social enclosure. Every opinion is cloaked in a special innocence in order to coax out the self-indictment of one within society. Opinions originating before you, labeled as more noble, informed and divinely inspired than yours, determine how valid your opinions are now, what role they will play in the act of “best opinions” winning out, always with the brutal phallus of liberal democracy raping our asses deeper and deeper. And for this reason it is preferable to do away with the boundaries of acceptable and unacceptable opinions and charge to make a present reality where nobody can think for you; where nobody’s lack of deep critical thought can win out against your obviously and solely correct critical judgment on something specific. It isn’t possible to not be caught by opinion, but it is possible to become a terrorist against the paradigm of certain opinions most effecting what individual lives will go through. Fascists want one opinion to rule them all; liberals want a tyranny of majority opinion; conservatives want a puppet show of opinion where conservatives pull the strings; socialists want everyone to own the means of opinion-making and communists want a post-scarcity situation where opinion is ubiquitous. Our position is therefore to be: “Opinions do not actually exist. They do not exist as anything whole or substantial; they remain a specter of political trickery among too many.” Our thesis will be: “If I asked you to show me an ‘opinion,’ everything you would point to that is not a bombed out school for the deaf, a row of homes raided and set ablaze or an infant lying dead from gunfire or worse, it would not be close to the substance and consequence of ‘opinion.’” What I have just made is a judgment, which is not up for debate. A judgment, ripped from the bloody paws of Christianity, is a remark that contains a reflection of the real and perceivable. An opinion must remain trivial and only deflect the real if it is not to be a danger. Opinions are simply petty value judgments that, in their very pettiness, affect more than we can imagine. (Just turn on Fox “News” or go on 4chan if you need a perfect example of this dominating everything. These losers successfully make up an entire identity around being oppressed and downtrodden, i.e., “white genocide”, incels, etc., while in actuality still ruling the world and working to expand their rule and dominance even deeper.) Opinions can be about anything, which is simultaneously amusing and the most horrible thing ever. Everything from certain condiments on certain food to the humanity of certain people, opinions determine convention and acceptability. They drive domestic and foreign policy, they worm their ways up through chains of command to target and murder certain people, they destroy families and brutalize children on every mental/emotional/physical field. Opinions ruin us because they are what is valued most above sensible judgments. There are no “opinions” to be had about climate collapse because it is here and now right in front of us, and to question its dire emergency is to merely advocate prolonged suicide. There are no “opinions” to be had about queer and gender non-conforming people, because we have existed since divisions were made between people on every unmentionable scale. We are the consequence of a desperate cult of normalcy. No. It is not up for discussion that certain people should be murdered for their opinions because an opinion can tell a great deal about someone’s judgment and therefore someone’s inclination. If that person cannot remove themself from someone or some association that wants them gone, then they can only be killed if they will not fuck off. Fascists and the whole lot of carefully opinionated morons can only be killed because their opinions intrude on our own determination for our lives. They necessarily are invasive opinions that are the predominant and thus societally validated positions to impose on others. Opinions about whether it’s compulsory to produce children make so many people objects of ire for the fact of the matter that they are free from ruining their lives with crotch-fruit. The sacred holy bullshit of baby-shitting seeks to rape everyone into agreeing with and structuring their lives around the opinion that the Abrahamic god is real and demands us to reproduce and carry on white protestant notions of the cishet nuclear family. Opinions like this still dominate the mostly white Christian world, the Islamic world and sections of the Jewish world. All of these religions are shit, and every social system they produce should be murdered. No self-determining individual gives a fuck about opinions, or cares if they or anyone holds an opinion. What matters is the mobility of someone making their life wholly independent from any social scrutiny or political sanction. When a person’s life can weigh in the balance of “is she human? Is she worthy of life?” that is terrorism. And the actual terrorism of all existing power in all settings of living beings needs to be met with a harsher terror in order for life to be worth living. The only goal, the only objective in sight should be the complete freedom from others’ opinions. It is not okay to me, and it should not be okay to anyone, that a matter of living breath – an entire life or collection of lives – can be taken by an opinion. It is not okay to me that these sorts of opinions are allowed to be held by anyone; it is not a question of freedom or free thought when the content of a thought, a word, an advocacy endeavors on harm done unto innocents. We saw in 2014-18 with the hideous rise of Daesh (Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant) a beautiful global surge of those passionate against all creeds of cruel fundamentalist control flowed into the embattled areas to fight alongside those driving the fascist scum back into their miserable holes. A wonderful international confederation of brigades organized themselves against the reign of tyrannical zealots; it was not “opinion” that brought those brave fighters in from their corners of the world. It was the recognition that Daesh was then and remains now Islamic fascism. It was with the understanding that “the opinion” of fascism is unacceptable and cannot be allowed to live. We need now, in occupied Turtle Island, a great confederation of fighters to come together and apply those same strategies against Daesh to the Christian fundamentalist version of Daesh in Turtle Island. Christian ISIS Needs Killing. Christian Daesh Needs Wiping From Existence. All Of Abrahamism Needs To Die. Live life moment to moment. In each moment, everything should be different for you, because everything is different. Everything shapes itself with the free flowing motion called the present. Be in the present. Act in the present. Do Everything You Can to begin murdering this unwanted world before opinion stalls our victory and kills us all.

Contribution By “Fuck You, That’s Who!”