Determination Against New Destitutions

I cannot care what the lot of homebrew politicians are conversing about when it comes to their definitional games of the new politics of the new democracy. Nor do the radicals convince me of their program of interwoven communes. I am not a radical in their set stance on the fringes. I am not a player in the alternative game of resituating governance along some “more fluid” line. I am my own person pursuing my own will against the coercive will of others. This means that I do not differentiate between patriot or nationalist or fascist, nor between liberal or conservative or centrist, nor between social democrat or marxist-leninist or collectivist “anarchist.” I consider them All to be my foes, because they All renounce the full quality of a fully untethered life and are the sincere pushers and proselytizers of Nonsense. What I make heartfelt urges for are self-creation, self-reliance, and self-determination in the face of Every Competing Power. What an individual separate from me does with these is beyond me. All I can know is what I intend, and I intend for genuine freedom to become infectious from the roots of this logic.

What sets this apart from those I have mentioned? They each make eschatological calls for adherence to something that denies people’s lived contents and makes use of their mere presence in something touted as Greater than those involved: The organization, the creed, the nation, etc. They function as channels for dedicated body power to flow back into the sustenance of the whole, the cause, the purpose one is sacrificed for, instead of directly enriching the ones putting in the effort. Their members are duped into being obedient cogs for one group-system or other because it makes them feel empowered while in truth stripping all agency from them. They are always on a grand mission to “save” or enslave everyone they can, doing so with an aura of entitlement to power or a rugged instinct to simply be a savage for nothing at all worthwhile. Be it race, class, gender, nation, law/order — it’s just another violent delusion imposed on others aimed at destroying their unique potential.

What my own affair rests on is never needing anyone but me (choosing to make a nuanced exception for those I hold close,) consistently breaking the chains of every rule in every act (e.g., I will not serve your god. I will actively kill him in every breath I take in the context of being told to bow,) choosing defiant happiness, and thereby in sum proving the origin of freedom to rest in the slaying of what would hold one down. When one articulates their own freedom in these terms, when one recognizes freedom to be inherent in life, when they understand that freedom is taken and not granted, they begin to break free of everything that has denied their ever-present tools of being an ungoverned agent of self-will, daring to do everything necessary to fare decently here and now, whether or not the state and capital exist. (This is not to say individuals shouldn’t strive to undo a system of systems that aims to destroy all life on Earth for its own enrichment. Quite the contrary. But there must be anarchistic means done well for anarchistic ends — which is not to say we should “wait for the right time to act.”)

These political religions can only make promises said to be fulfilled at the eventual end of the current conditions and the beginning of the glorious installment of new ones. My lack of political religion is not out of a desire to have the most radical position, but to surpass the entire playing field of any position that tries to make exceptions for the boundlessness of my being, which all politics are. My hoisting the Black Flag is not to worship its color and shape, but to demonstrate a lack of national or political flag: To practice defiance in all areas needed.

The left continues its toothless masturbation with theory and no helpful practice while the fascists are marching unimpeded in cities around the world. We are truly sorry bastards to be in the hands of such morons steering “radicalism” in the present day. No more. I don’t want fascists running my life anymore than I want the renewed destitution of a “renewed society.” I don’t want any same or different normality. I don’t want any fixed community or group or ideal being held over me.

I want the bounds of social consideration itself removed. I want every conceivable border to be dissolved, and for every individual to be aware of their own power in the absence of everything that denies them this. My stance, my own movement is one of living my fullest and happiest here and now, in conscious spite of what mandates my sorrow.

Life has always only been here and now. This is the reality that is too painful for our radicals to accept. There has never been a future to build but a present to embrace without second thought. Too many people formerly close to me have ruined themselves by worrying about a future that doesn’t exist; one that is only imagined by present-day fears accelerated by a submissive whimper that “It’s only going to get worse—” doing Nothing to take the initiative and change the course one is on, refusing to digest new information and strategies.

To hold determination to live and thrive here and now is to find the power to surpass every potential and present order when one utilizes wit and creativity against their obstacles. To make freedom infectious is to demonstrate its imminence through its truest form. When leveled at everything that stifles it, freedom becomes the only organic commons.

Contribution by Wulfinna