Dionysian Fragments

1. Destruction is the Dionysian spirit taking a hammer to Apollonian fictions.

2. Life is frolicking in the woods, hoisting the black flag, and tearing apart wild beasts.

3. Freedom’s taste is sweet like honey to Dionysus, but bitter to the herd.

4. God is not dead but on life support; pull the plug.

5. Morality is the great domesticator, the suppressor of will.

6. Society wants freedom with rose-colored chains.

7. Man has only attempted to sculpt Man with negation as its chisel.

8. Liberation is born of dynamite’s fiery spark and nursed by rain.

9. The Dionysian looks at the underworld and laughs.

10. Those who choose to dance under the black shadow of Leviathan look mad to the cattle. Oh, such is life!

Contribution by Mother Liberty