effrēnāt us -a um adj (ecf-) unbridled; (fig) unbridled, unrestrained
Effrenatum is a journal, in zine format, of free anarchist thought.
All original works of written word or visual art can be submitted by emailing us on ProtonMail.
For the sake of keeping the journal relatively brief, we kindly ask that all text submissions be less than 2500 words and that all images be less than 1000×1000 in dimensions. Some exceptions may apply.
Submissions can remain anonymous or be given an author as requested in the email we receive. If no specification is given, the work will be assumed to be anonymous. There is No Copyright of Any Kind associated with this journal, submissions will be in the public domain.
We cover any and all subjects relating to the desire to be free from all external control. We generally will only reject a submission if it is incomprehensible; we want a wide range of thought that relates to the unfriendly drive to live without self-righteous authorities dictating the terms of life.
Individual contributions will be featured under the contribution category.
There is no precise school of anarchist thought favored over any others in this project, although the managers and contributors to this project hold a certain disagreement with purely social anarchists who cannot/will not acknowledge the burning importance for individual agency and autonomous action. This is not to say that social anarchist contributions would never be accepted, but to emphasize that we cannot depend on “community” alone, and that we aim to make this point firmly stated in the content we publish.
Thus the anarchism of this journal, in the spirit of welcoming adjacent perspectives, is in line with anarchism without adjectives, wherein anarchist communists, anarcho-syndicalists, market anarchists, queer anarchists, anarcha-feminists, individualist anarchists, illegalist anarchists, egoist anarchists, nihilist anarchists and all combinations of these may participate together without favoritism towards an authentically unruly publication.
The first alpha has been out since April 2024, and the following volumes are being worked on as of editing. Volume alpha, Volume 1, Volume 2, and so on.
We have no perfectly dedicated publishing schedule due to the sometimes slow nature of contributions, although we aim to make the journal a monthly publication or a bi-monthly one at least. We have been doing decent at getting editions out by the 25th-27th of each month thus far. Don’t hold us to this.
The core editing/publishing collective is based in occupied Turtle Island (so-called “United States Of America”) and we have associate contributors around the world.
We encourage anyone to print or reproduce our journal as applicable. We do not have a central means of distributing our content, and instead opt to release the finished documents for free reproduction wherever someone is inclined to do so.
The documents are printed on standard 11 inch by 8.5 (landscape) printer/copy paper, imposing the document for printing both sides is required. (We leave that part up to the craftier participants; the people managing this website are the tech nerds.) The document is edited using the LibreOffice document suite and uses the .ODT format. It will be made available online in .PDF format. The .ODT interior file can be shared on request via email.