What Is Unruly?

As one looks with an even-tempered curiosity at life’s simple occurrences bound up the way that they are, one finds that we are all only trying to feel joy and fulfillment however we may before we turn to ashen corpses. There is a particular innocence to this, but a thoroughly terrorized one: terrorized by this very drive for sustaining oneself seized by those who successfully navigated existing power, using themselves to oppress others for a paycheck. It is all too commonplace to get hit with the fallout of people doing their jobs, obeying the social creed’s demand, reproducing human beings (murdering their uniqueness with an assigned gender/sex category, a name, an institutional schooling, etc.), betting on politicians in elections… everything seems so orderly while producing so much compressed chaos. The one who is looking with curious eyes at all of this must eventually find their mind and hands forming into obliterating tools if they will not simply fall in line, but selfishly realize their own freedom, shared with their loved ones or not.

We remain curious of what an active endurance for the absurd can yield in the determined pursuit of something better. Something outside of the hamster wheel. Everything that troubles us comes back to the totalizing configuration, not any one root but the broad urge to be a part of the powerful class and have everyone else be among the subject class. We know we are held hostage, even during our emotional embrace of certain radicalisms, by the moralism disseminated from power, by the myriad threats of acting out, by the known avenues of making change, by the imminent obligations in people’s lives. Such stunting anxieties are either resolved or allowed to condemn lives to miserable, slow suicides. Curiosity only endures because of this simple constant.

By curiosity we begin to study, and by studying we come to a clear understanding; we map our terrain and mark our points of action. Alas, upon gathering our gear and making our march, we find the pikes of law & order raised against our paths of direct resolution. “You have to pay up to do that,” “You have to be a politician to do that,” “You have to have a permit to do that,” “You have to have approval to do that.”

There was once a general situation wherein people under subjugation would simply arise and kill their direct oppressors, and do so successfully according to a few straightforward variables. It is from this situation that the goal of establishing a new, independent nation state persisted. But now, with new developments and critical analysis, under the stifling weight of surveillance, militarized police, “revolutionary” nationalisms that simply construct new corrupt institutions, the eternal goal of un-establishing what has been put down against our wellness and autonomy remains a suppressed, barbaric urge that the good citizens of all empires are entrusted with vanquishing. The liberal republics have woven a new sense of sanctity coming from its generations of subjects out of the antiquated revolts of mere national independence — now they think of their “freedom” only on its terms. Now they impose that brand of “freedom” on all who dare to speak out against systematized cruelty. They refuse to consider the very existence and profoundness of prisons, of the cost of living, of the descent into ritual escapism. They run from sorrow’s real cause: persisting with mandates claiming “We need the glorious nation! We need the magnificent godly yet man-maneuvered order! We need denial of self-truth in favor of God’s Truth!”

The only realistic solution to sorrow is the intentional embrace of well-cultivated potential against all that creates it. In the throes of willful delusion, willful disregard for deeper learning, willful perpetuating of the cruel and unreasonable, those who are conscious to the toxicity of the nonsense become learned on what they are up against, coming to know that one has to think and act carefully, especially in trusting others.

The simple argument (for simple people) against a sudden rupture of this order rests in the fact that many individuals are simply content with (or resigned to) their menial, distorted lives while other “delinquent types” are thoroughly discontent in what makes the former temporarily satisfied. (This is evoked by those trying to save politics and civilization when they need to cower in fear of critique, but also look like the sensible ones for easy sympathy from idiots.)

The more substantive argument is to point out that the generations that have lived under the dominant, ever-evolving order have become reliant in some way on what only a technique of that order can presently provide. This is very true: some require diabetes medication. Some require seizure medication. Some require hormone replacement medication. There are a great deal of unique needs and desires facing the oasis of certain components of relief in life that have unfortunately been devoured by the millennia of power and caste.

But these arguments do not help get away from the issue that is really plaguing us. We are not capable of being authentically well and joyful under any regime; we do not have genuine access to the things we need without sacrificing some aspect of ourselves. We do not yet know our own fullest capacity, and yet information is simply dirt cheap nowadays, if “dirt cheap” could be any cheaper. The variables for refining skills and knowhow are easily put together by those with a will to succeed. This is precisely what has generated such projects as Four Thieves Vinegar collective, who have taken it upon themselves to pursue “harm reduction for the living,” providing solutions as an “anarchist collective dedicated to enabling access to medicines and medical technologies to those who need them but don’t have them,” to name but one collaboration. These projects are the direct, accessible solutions to what the dominant order has claimed total jurisdiction over. These applications of knowledge are what begin to build new components for a new life, and demonstrate that it is individuals who accomplish things — not exclusive power-holders.

To engage with reality in this way is an act of getting beyond the barrier, of getting outside the confines of the acceptable, of exiting the hamster wheel. Reality held in static captivity has always been challenged in order for people to have free play with conceptual and material matter. For every rule, there has been un-rule. Un-rule had been the necessary step beyond the suffocating limitations of church and crown in order to move what liberals call “progress” in a direction some consider “forward.” The transition from abject feudalism to liberal capitalism is one malignant example of what they praise, while besmirching the anarchists for pursuing the whole of freedom.

We are not unruly up to a point. Our unruliness has nothing to do with “progress.” We are not humble participants in any history written by the chroniclers of the ruling order. We do not seek to be The Bad Guys in the annals of Bad People — but we know there is little choice. We know we are so very much more. We are agents of selfish desire transmuted into loving fruits. We are innovators of solutions. We are wild organisms demonstrating the cultivation of freedom, of a desirable existence beyond merely existing in the society so many are resigned to. Our wisdom is expressed by anarchist scientists, anarchist poets, anarchist shamans, anarchist healers, anarchist warriors. The content of our wisdom is this: I am the most important person to me, who I refine and use to assist those whom I see a part of myself in, which is why I am not sacred even to myself. My importance transcends the sacred, and is revealed as something completely unique. The same goes for those whom I see myself in. Our “dastardly selfishness” is only the impulse to be unconstrained in one’s intentions. If one’s intention is to do baseless harm, then substantive harm will come unto them without scruple with any authority over “legitimate punishment.” But if one’s intention is well-deserved kindness, participation and aid, then only the desired fruits of coming together will find them. If one’s intention is to be isolated and rid of all people’s opinions and associations affecting them, so it shall be.

For a long time, it was the anarchists who gave unruliness many names and portrayals. It was anarchists wrestling with the worst desperations of humankind who mapped the distinct regions of social life in which to apply anarchist methods of interaction and solution in order to harness the fruits of unruly endeavors. Now it must no longer be a requirement to be an anarchist in order to understand and embrace unruliness. The unruly must be all former subjects, regardless of their philosophical or political interests — so long as they have a yearning for untainted freedom in their hearts. The unruly come to be so by their recognition of their castes and their willful deviation from their conventional characteristics, by their hostility toward all that has given them caste. They have no unifying model but that which arises from joint agreement and personal judgment. The method is unruliness, and the end is unruliness. Unruliness that amplifies the sublime, unnameable substance in all with breath and form against all that contains and suppresses it.

We do not need to fixate on any perfection of anarchism or anarchy. We do not need a flawless theory when the practice is simply nonexistent. (The two have always been preached to be in balance, but many like to simply make a hobby out of theory with total rejection of practice.) We need an anarchism arising from the soil in our souls that sufficiently realizes the unruly dream, that fleshes the smiles on the individual persons newly marveling their freshly planted freedom. This means definitions determined from real, palpable content — not from epistemological scripture. Unruliness means libraries looted of their precious gems and all their trim used for kindling.

Anarchism and anarchy as concepts are worthless without sincere development seen and felt in the material realm which translates to unruliness. Anarchy must be no more than the vehicle for that matter. It cannot be the defining condition that people consciously mandate. It must be the transparent container for each person’s transcendence of all imposed conditions, including anarchist conditions. The anarchist condition is descriptive for the better, yes. But what it points to cannot actually be described. It can only be discovered and lived.

Are we stagnated subjects of order, its philosophy, its toothless herd? Or are we unknowable organisms with self-created purpose still waiting to be enacted? We ought to have a curiosity freed from victimhood, one that simply brings things into being where they are wanted, not where they are obligations of the here and now. This unruly curiosity is the primal intent to make use of oneself and one’s surroundings. To lift oneself up out of one’s filth, imprinting on the ground the steps out of servitude and into self-alignment with one’s deepest desires.

If we are to live unfree for all our days, we might as well die now to rush toward the freedom from All. But if there is any will to dissolve the intolerable specter of heaven for the obedient and hell for the freethinkers, we need to act like it. The innocent yearning for a comfortable and stable life must become an intentional and resolute project against rule, against what denies our very nature, against what makes life hell.

Co-authored by the Effrenatum collective

Back The Black

There were several iterations of this introduction planned. But ultimately, with so many different events unfolding across the world in the month of July in the year 2024, the general overview of the world was left as follows:

We could be looking at an official conservative autocracy holding power in Turtle Island in the face of a stubborn and severely aging Biden staying in the presidential race as Vice President Kamala Harris is endorsed by Biden against the newly confirmed Trump-Vance ticket made emboldened by a failed assassination attempt by a fellow republican twenty-year-old; some weeks before, the Heritage Foundation president Kevin Roberts said on far-right media “We are in the process of the Second American revolution, which will remain bloodless, if the left allows it to be”; American fascist groups have marched on several different occasions in Nashville, Tennessee without proper dealing with; Project 2025 — the christian nationalist project to eliminate the administrative state and redefine presidency as autocracy — is being put into place every day before Trump’s potential re-election with backing from lawmakers in the Democratic party. Abroad: Coolock in County Dublin, Ireland has seen a far-right anti-migrant uprising involving the arson of the construction site of a migrant housing center; Argentina’s far-right government continues its war on the working class with much needed resistance taking place in the streets; India remains under the stranglehold of Modi’s recently re-elected far-right Hindu nationalist government, further sowing division in the nation and oppression onto the Muslim population; Israel’s unabated genocide of the Palestinian people begins to destabilize in the streets of Tel Aviv and elsewhere amid conscription of orthodox communities, calls for the bloodthirsty Bibi to step down continue while shipments of weapons from the US resume; The Turkish military persists in their attacks in South Kurdistan with many civilian casualties a time after the YPJ had captured the leader of the current iteration of Daesh (ISIS.)

We had revised this some ten times while trying to keep it compact, and still it was not enough to capture the evolving tire fires of humanity’s thrashing pangs. Listing off headlines is more nauseating than one can imagine. That’s all that reality is now. Everything from afar. Everything from institutional word of mouth. Something could be going on right outside your door, and the world would only know it as a headline. Your real lived experience is made lower than the lice. This is what people vote, humiliate and exhaust themselves to maintain. Just to be lice of the Earth.

But this is not a news outlet. We are not fixated on the particulars of current events as the end goal. We are here reading and writing this zine to tackle power — and we know that power corrupts, we know where it is concentrated and we know the arsenal of incendiary distractions used on working poor people against other marginalized peoples. But well after power has corrupted those susceptible and concentrated itself in their violent social systems, after all the distractions are exhausted and debunked, it becomes desperate. Thus Elon Musk is now donating $45,000,000 a month to Trump’s “America PAC”, making his campaign a competing corporate welfare baby with the Walton family. This is done generally as a consolidation of economic forces with political forces, the core tenant of fascism. There is an obvious project collaborated on from both christian nationalists and the corporate/private owning class to enshrine the government as a direct instrument of far-right interest, without any retaining of “equal protection under the law” or “due process.”

We have already seen far-right microcosm victories in Turtle Island with homelessness itself being outlawed with no actual solution to the problem. The lawmaking class of the state is actively seeking out criminalization of every aspect of human life in order for people to either be working slaves or incarcerated slaves. The picture is not pretty at all. And this is not to say it is any prettier if Harris or whoever manages to pull through and win the electoral college. It will only be a slightly preferable buffer once more between us and the next far-right political uprising. That pathetic dream is dwindling more and more every single hour that this game persists. Imagine those reading this text four, eight, twelve years in the future. We cannot afford to let our somber embrace of The Worst get the best of us.

Pessimism is only helpful if it is contextual, not general. To be generally pessimistic is to reach for the easy victory in being defeated on a cosmic scale by the calm, enormous substantive nothing of galaxies. Our problems are down here on Earth. What matters here and now is refining skills, building connections, doing tangibly helpful work. Anarchism is not to be preached as a salvation of what we have known, but demonstrated as the effective guiding principles toward a genuinely free and self-owned life for all.

Shall we allow the mental and spiritual gunk of stupid powerful people to anchor our legs to the bottoms of a moralist ocean of non-action and self-denial? Or shall we depart from every consideration they may have, every question they may pose, every mandate they may codify, and act to spitefully save our own lives, nourishing and keeping them as long as we may from the maniacs and their mindless, soulless goons of domination?

Whatever you’re going to do — just do it. But do it wisely. And if you will, raise the only flag whose black field represents the only imminent action we can know: the forceful negation of all things perpetuating domination.

Co-authored by the Effrenatum collective

Parting Words On Pride

With one week left of Pride Month, with heavy hearts looking at the world and the regularly-scheduled petty conflicts within, we share some words on what we hope pride is to become understood as, going against the narratives imposed on us by liberals.


The First Pride was indeed a riot. It was a riot ignited in the late 1960s by trans women of color and stoked into flames by the trauma of lifetimes of oppression. It was a riot aimed at the cops, who ceaselessly brutalized gay bars and other welcoming spaces for queers in Turtle Island in the mid 20th century. It was a riot aimed at the abusive and fundamentalist parents. It was a riot aimed at childhood expectations. It was a riot aimed at heartache coming from all directions. It was a riot aimed at the tricks who never payed their sex workers. It was a riot aimed at the average everyday bullshit that stomps on us and twists.

Pride was not just a riot. It was a total rupture.

Now what is called “Pride” is a family event. Now pride is a free speech free-for-all where hate preachers invariably show up to harass festival-goers, blabbering bullshit about Jesus and hellfire and sadly never being shot in the head, due to all the Lovely Rainbow Law Enforcement showing up to beat your skull in . . . with a rainbow asp. How progressive and Good. A sickening departure from one’s roots, this contemporary “pride.”

Needless to say, we don’t go to these events. (Unless one is able to show up armed and effectively oust the fascists and the bigots from hurting anyone.) They aren’t worth it unless you want to waste money or just generally be frazzled and annoyed. There was an attempt to do a Queer Liberation march in NYC and other American cities a year or so ago, met with much heckling and harassment by police and liberals, still following the same orderly, embarrassing Demand and Chant model of typical American “civil disobedience.”

Nobody who has really studied the origins and nature of real freedom can have any truck with these orderly events, these progressive ideals, these simple feel good slogans and gestures. Real freedom comes from a stoic doing backed up by a stoic understanding that slices through all of the obstacles and goes straight for the target. Do you want to celebrate being a rainbow-clad subject to a society that actually hates you no matter what? Or do you want to pursue your genuine interests against all demands for a silent, sad life?

The word “Pride”, in the context of the christianity that still objectively dominates the world, should conjure images of a sinful disobedience against the norm, with intent to collapse the society and dogma that name “sin.” We don’t want a queerness that is simply attractive and exploitable for capital and carefully surveilled by the state, while the christian nationalists are in competition with feeble progressives for power. We want a queerness that is the enemy to every person with a knack for reducing everything down to its surface-level simple “truths.” We want a queerness that demonstrates the deep, unnameable complexity of organic existence as a mode toward complete self-realization against all sacred authority.

This Negative Pride has to become unshackled from liberal “visibility” and “community” politics and become something far, FAR more dreaded by the homophobes, the transphobes, the essentialist simpletons, the progressives seeking to reduce and abuse us.

WE are those who inherit this burning, boiling Earth. WE are those who crush the skulls of our enemies. WE are those who negate the commandments of a drooling, demented “God,” pulling the plug on his life support. WE are those who End submission to religious stupidity. WE are those who live unapologetically, and with bite.

Co-Authored by the Effrenatum Collective

Pride Alone Won’t Save Us

This time of year is as bittersweet as it is just flat-out shitty.

I can’t take these fucking uppity rich gays demanding us to “be Normal.” Fuck the LGBTQ-whatever bullshit — trans people are still being murdered worldwide and everything is still standing unburned, unlooted. And on top of it all, some piece of shit cis male gay landlord is calling me a “Sir” and taunting me about my womanhood, shooing me away from hailing the androgynous Almighty Baphomet right in front of the hate preachers.

I don’t want a liberal alphabet mafia that actively disempowers me — I want a deliberate cell of feral dykes, fags, unknowable queers, goddess trans women and heroic trans men to rush into battle with me and make total freedom TODAY.

At this rate of sheepishness — we’re fucking dead. The walls are genuinely closing in on all of our breathing room as the months go by: the GOP strategy for the coming election is as cutthroat as the tactics in Weimar and afterward, which itself is a harsh historical lesson to swallow. One which too many in the community haven’t digested.

Statist anti-gun propaganda, in concert with liberal civility politics, has severely hindered queer people’s ability to sufficiently actualize themselves against all violence; to manifest sufficient deterrence for ever fucking with us. (White trash cunts love their “Fuck Around And Find Out” bullshit until they get the barrel-end of it.)

I say this with all respect to those who will never put themselves in this position. I can’t make you do that. But I can tell you this: All of you who are willing and able need to Brush The Fuck Up on your firearms, knives, hand-to-hand and first aid/street medic knowledge. Not to go out and needlessly start some shit, but to Properly Prevent People From Dying. That is the sole objective in what I have just said. Guns are not your enemy. A gun doesn’t go off unless it is chambered and triggered. Wise hands know how to properly handle and store them. SNAP OUT of the Incorrect, Ignorant Idea that a gun is ONLY a tool of the government, of the fascists, of deranged murderers. A gun is how you stand a chance against a bigot with a knife. A gun is how you get free.

If you fuckers want to be free, if you fuckers want to stop being harassed by queerphobes and police — do something different. If you want to writhe in your ever-receding rights and masturbatory “pride” that does nothing but sell some product or entice someone to slave away for you — have fun being useless to real freedom.

Pride Comes Before The Fall. Be the fall of this society.

Co-Authored by the Effrenatum Collective

All Out For Barbarism

The refusal to obey is the sole universal obligation in the face of an unjust order. The form of the refusal depends on my personality.

— Han Ryner, Mini-Manual Of Individualism

The peace police may as well work for the state right at the beginning of their militant liberalism. There really should be a special program. Although there are far more hoops to jump through in activism than there are in the police academy, I think it would suffice for them to get good government bread… so their asses can get got of all they have.

The excruciating sorrow of life under complete tyranny lends itself to a unique clarity of oneself and this terrible matrix: “I will never be genuinely satisfied unless I play an active role in the Death of this way of life.”

But then people become stagnated by fear of imprisonment, ostracization, damnation. They don’t yet know what it actually is to develop a cohesive practice and critique that undoes the sorrow we are sworn enemies of in our heart of hearts. They conceive of defiance as merely a single, total throwing oneself off of a cliff in order to be free for once and never again. We are to demonstrate a need and a way to assert oneself in all situations, to think for oneself utilizing a helpful toolbox of questions and diagnostics, to choose one’s forward steps carefully, in such ways that reflect who they are.

This project is a project of disseminating anarchist thought. It is not a perfect weapon against our masters. Books don’t feed people or stop fascists from entering our communities. But it is a receptacle for what we see as only the most cutting edge rationale against total submissiveness. Our embrace of the most dastardly thought, making it unavoidable, the experimentation of it overwhelming the business-as-usual of this way of life, is a totalizing hostility toward being under rule. It is not divided up into intersecting issues. It is one, monolithic concern around which thousands of hordes of unruly individuals will converge on.

Let there be no more need for “solidarity” to interlock our spheres of sorrow. Let our need for unruliness be stark and obvious as it already is!

As long as we hold to the understanding that no society, no civilization, no identity, no static group of friends can ever aptly represent the perfection that rests in each of us, we are gladly at odds with everything fed to us.

It is the single most wonderful real-life adventure we will ever embark upon: To rescue our dignity and agency, leaving some beautiful fireworks behind in our trail.

Happy Pride Month, Everyone!

Co-Authored by the Effrenatum Collective